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Version 1.0

Last Updated: 04/13/2022



This Acceptable Use Policy describes actions that Anaphora Inc., a Cetrez company, prohibits when you use the "SaaS Solution” or “Services". The Acceptable Use Policy is governed by our Client Subscription Terms.


Anaphora may in its sole discretion determine whether you are in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.


The following list gives examples of illegal, abusive, interfering or otherwise unacceptable or inappropriate behavior while using the Services. This list is provided by way of example and shall not be considered exhaustive.

  1. Adversely impacting the availability, reliability, or stability of Anaphora’s Services.

  2. Launching or facilitating, whether intentionally or unintentionally, a denial of service attack on any of Anaphora’s Services.

  3. Attempting to bypass or break any security mechanism on any of the Services or using the Services in any other manner that poses a security or service risk to Anaphora, to any user of our Services, or to any of our or their respective clients..

  4. Testing or reverse-engineering the Services in order to find limitations, vulnerabilities or evade filtering capabilities.

  5. Using the Services in any manner that may subject Anaphora or any third party to liability, damages or danger.

  6. Engaging or promoting any type of fraudulent or illegal activity.

  7. Engaging in activities or transmitting through the Services any information that may be libelous or defamatory or otherwise malicious or harmful to any person or entity, or discriminatory based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

  8. Transmitting any material that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms or any other malicious, harmful, or deleterious programs.


We reserve the right to change this Acceptable Use Policy from time to time.

Curious to see Anaphora in action? Book a demo now to see how our products can empower all users across your organization and beyond. Let's discuss your specific use cases and explore the value that Anaphora will unleash for your brand.




USA: +1 (833) UX FIRST

SWEDEN: +46 31 806 500

  • Linkedin - Vit Circle


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